Hey there 👋🏻

I'm Kyle Thornton

A full-stack web developer with a passion for creating

Tinkerer. Problem solver. Builder.

I make cool stuff and learn something new every day. Check out some of my work below!

My favorite tech

Hover for more info


A few of my recent projects.



A webapp that takes two locations and returns a third location in the center between as well as a list of restaraunts and things to do there.

ReactNextJSTypescriptTailwind CSS
The Entertainment Database

The Entertainment Database

A website that displays info about movies, tv shows, and actors. Data supplied from the TMDB api.

ReactNextJSTypescriptTailwind CSS
Just a Little Reddit

Just a Little Reddit

A reddit client that allows you to set a limit to the number of posts you see so you don't scroll all day.

Budget Dashboard

Budget Dashboard

A budget dashboard to display someone's financial information all in one place. Data visualization is provided by the Tremor component library.

ReactTypescriptTailwind CSS